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Italian Courses Levels

Italian courses Levels

In order to pass to the next level, 40 lessons of group lessons are required ( Common European Framework CEF). Generally each student “settles” into the language in a purely individual time frame.

levels of knowledge of italian  language

Level 1

You’re an absolute beginner. Maybe you know some “international words”  (pizza, bravo, piano, etc.) but you are not able to build sentences.

Level 1.2

You can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. You can use simple phrases and sentences in present tense. You can probably understand phrases like: “Do you understand?”, “When do you come to Italy?” Or “How long have you been studying Italian?”.

Level 2.1

You manage to give simple information about yourself, order at a restaurant or handle everyday situations. You know the diffirence between presente and passato prossimo and you’ve just discovered that there is another past: imperfetto (ero, avevo, c’era).

Level 2.2

You manage to give information when somebody asks you. You can often forced to simplify what you are trying to say. You know the three basic indicative tenses (presente, passato prossimo, imperfetto). You have already met the condizionale.

Level 3.1

You understand when someone talks to you directly and you can handle a conversation on familiar topics and activities. You know the condizionale.

Level 3.2

You can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. You can express your ideas, dreams, hopes and opinions, but you are often forced to simplify them and sometimes you have the impression that the other person does not understand perfectly. You know and use properly the indicative, conditional and you’ve already met the congiuntivo.

Level 4.1

You can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regulary encountered in work, school, etc. You  can also understand many radio or TV programmes. You still have some difficulties to make yourself understood in situations less frequent or emotionally difficult.

Level 4.2

You can express yourself without difficulty. You can interact with a degreeof fluency and spontaneity that akes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. You know and use properly the indicativo, condizionale and congiuntivo.

Level 5.1

You still have some difficulty in situations that require a more formal language, in situations emotionally important, when you need to defend your point of view, to support your ideas and expose your disappointment or disagreement and finallly in situations where you need to speak a specific Italian language, non-standard, at work, in public offices and lawyers, etc.

Level 5.2

You understand and express yourself without difficulty, but you still have some problem in emotionally important situations, where you need to defend your point of view, to support your positions and ideas and express your disappointment or disagreement and finally in situations where you need a specific Italian Language , non-standard, as in certain work situations, in public offices and lawyers, etc.

Level 6

The only difficulty that you still encounter in Italian concerns communication in situations where people speak a particular Italian, non-standard, as in certain situations at work, in public offices and lawyers, etc. Concerning the written communication, you are able to write clear, smoothly-flowing text in an appropriate style,with an effective logical structure.

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