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Experit in Florence

EXPERIT in Florence is a program which offers a 12-week Italian language course at our school in Milan, followed by a 12-week practical stage in Tuscany in a field of interest to you.

Italian and Internship in Florence

Experit in Florence – Food and wine, handicrafts (including leather working, furniture restoration and woodworking, shoemaking, tailoring), artisanal crafts (jewelry, mosaic, gilding, ceramics, fine art restoration), tourism, multimedia services, and other fields relating to your skills and professional goals.

 Minimum 18 years of age.
• No prior knowledge of Italian required. The program is also open to beginners.
• Basic background preparation in the chosen internship field and/or a letter outlining the reasons for the choice of that field.
• Visa required for non-EU citizens.

The stage is part of professional training, and no form of paid compensation is provided by the hosting organizations.

Experit in FlorenceProgram costs: 3,600.00 €

• 12-week (240 lessons) intensive Italian language course in Milan.
• 12-week stage in Tuscany. Hours to be arranged according to the specific needs of the company hosting the intern. Maximum 32 lessons per week.
• Selection of the organization where the internship will take place.
• Meeting and interview with the internship manager within the chosen company.
• Mentoring and evaluation every two weeks throughout the internship.
• Assistance with visa request.
• Help in requesting a residence permit.
• Accident insurance covering internship premises and third party civil liability insurance.
• Certificate of participation for Italian language course and internship.

More Italian Language Courses at Il Centro

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